Image x Style x Brand
These are 3 concepts I work a lot with my clients in our Branded Professional Image Program, but many people confuse them or don’t really know where they fit together, so let’s clarify this in today’s post.
Your image is all that involves your non-verbal communication: your appearance (clothes and its colors, shapes, lines and styles, accessories, makeup, hair), your behavior (gestures, posture, eye contact) and communication in a sense of your tone of voice, speaking rhythm, accent, etc.
The way you express your image through your appearance is what we call your style: how you like to present yourself with your clothes, which accessories, colors and patterns you choose, and why. If you know how to use it (and you should), you can also adapt your style for the different roles you play in your life and the target audience that each one involves, so you can present yourself authentically in a smart way.
Last, but not least, your brand is the impression or perception people will have of you.
As Jeff Bezos smartly described, “Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room”, that is, the adjectives people associate to you and the unique promise of value you offer to the world.
Your image and style are part of it, of course, as they are used to validate the “visual” aspect of your brand, but your personal brand involves also your reputation, story, hard and soft skills, verbal communication, digital footprint, your values, goals and so on.
“Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.”
- Jeff Bezos
Whether you do it consciously or not, your image, style and brand are sending a message to people about you, and it might be the right or the wrong one.
In our Branded Professional Image program, we study all these aspects to develop a tailor made strategy for your personal brand, in order to consciously build more authority, presence and position yourself according to your objectives within your target audience, being them the intended peers, companies or clients.
Click here to know more about B.P.I and don't hesitate to contact me if you want to feel more confident and start using your image and brand in your favor.
See you soon,
Roberta Carlucci