If you want to advance your career...
…turn your camera on!
"If you're not seen, you're not remembered," goes that famous saying that perfectly illustrates what I mean by this.
We are now more than ever communicating through a screen, mostly showing just a small part of our bodies in tiny squares on our colleague's and clients' monitors, which means that people are seeing less and less of us.
When we are in person, others can observe our posture, gestures, the whole outfit, and facial expressions much more clearly, which will help form our first impression.
Now, with only our frame and background to show, we have less information to convey the right message.
Now, if you don't even turn on the camera...
We are visual beings and tend to trust our vision the most when making decisions. Our brain is also wired to remember images more than words, especially faces, and connect to them more easily too.
Additionally, when on Zoom, we don't have the natural pauses that enable us to talk. Many times, our facial expressions and body language give the clues that we want to make an input, thus making it much harder for people without an
So, if you want to be remembered, to have your opinions heard more easily, and to show your value to grow your career, my advice is to start making your zoom meetings with your camera on as much as possible!
Take care of your background & light, dress strategically according to your role, and show the competent and professional person you are to your colleagues and clients.
It will be worth it! ✨