How to work from home like a PRO
In times of Corona Virus and forced isolation, many of us are working from our homes, which can be very nice but also bring on some challenges.
Aside from the tips that you are seeing everywhere, like choosing a quiet place and maintaining a somewhat fixed schedule, I wanted to contribute with some new inputs to help you make the most of it without compromising your professional reputation and health, even after this crisis is past:
Weak internet or unstable signal are very annoying when placing conference calls, having meetings or giving workshops online, where you cannot afford breaking contact in the middle of the process. Check your internet connection on the room you choose to work and invest in a good modem (on Amazon!) to improve the signal, if needed.
If you are making conference calls or meetings with video, make sure you have a clean and clutter free background: an organized bookshelf can be nice, or even a plain wall. It keeps things professional and avoids others getting distracted or having a negative impresson.
Lighting is important too! For you to be able to read and work properly, of course, but also for your colleagues and clients to have a clear view of your expressions on video. Avoid being against windows and test your camera so you don't have weird shadows on your face.
In videos, it's always a good idea to frame your face in a way that you look straight ahead, and not up or down (you can place your camera or notebook over a pile of books, for example).Your hands also play an important part, so be aware of your gestures when meeting online.
Invest (online) in a comfortable office chair and be mindful of your posture: looking down can cause neck pain and not being erect can hurt your back, especially when sitting hours in a row. Place your monitor higher and make sure you rest your elbows over the table.
Working from home can mean more distractions, especially when children are involved. Try and schedule some pauses for you to give them some attention during the day, but create clear boundaries for your working space so they don't interrupt you, especially during meetings or calls.
Keep being very professional in your deliveries, interactions and also very punctual in your schedule. People have to be able to count on you in these difficult times and working from home is still work, so don't compromise your career over avoidable mistakes.
Appearance continues to matter. For others, sure, but especially for yourself! It's very tempting, I know, but avoid working in your PJs: research says that proper clothes have a real impact in your behaviour, feelings and also productivity, so try and choose nice things to wear even if you won't leave the house.
As you won't have the usual commute time, use these extra minutes (or hours!) to make something for yourself everyday: read your favourite book, make that interesting online course you were postponing, take a longer bath, exercise or watch some Netflix. These are difficult times for everyone, so make sure you stay safe and sane!
Sending some love and wishing a safe and peaceful reclusion time to everyone!
See you soon,
Roberta Carlucci